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Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, 1951

Legal depository - Year: 1951

Article 24: Labour legislation and social security 1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully staying in their territory the same treatment as is accorded to nationals in respect of the following matters; (a) In so far as such matters are governed by laws or regulations or are...

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Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), 2006

Legal depository - Year: 2006

Article 28: Adequate standard of living and social protection 1. States Parties recognize the right of persons with disabilities to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement of living conditions, and shall take appropriate steps...

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Social protection for children: Key policy trends and statistics

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2015

This policy paper: (i) provides a global overview of the organization of child and family benefits in 183 countries; (ii) presents the negative impacts of fiscal consolidation and adjustment measures in a number of higher income economies; (iii) analyses trends and recent policies, e.g. extension of child and family...

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Social protection global policy trends 2010-2015. From fiscal consolidation to expanding social protection: Key to crisis recovery, inclusive development and social justice

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2014

This policy paper: (i) examines IMF government spending projections for 181 countries, identifying two main phases: fiscal expansion (2008-2009) and fiscal consolidation (2010 onwards); (ii) presents the main adjustment measures considered since 2010 and their adverse socio-economic impacts in both high income and developing countries; (iii) analyses divergent trends...

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Addressing the Global Health Crisis: Universal Health Protection Policies

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2014

This policy paper: (i) examines the dimensions of the global health crisis based on severe deficits in health protection and limited access to health care; (ii) presents the extent of the health crisis at global, regional and national level as well as rural/urban divergences within countries and their root causes; (iii)...

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Social protection for older persons: Key policy trends and statistics

Resources - Author: ILO / Year: 2014

This ILO policy paper (i) provides a global overview of the organization of pensions systems, their coverage and benefits, and public expenditures on social security in 178 countries; (ii) analyses trends and recent policies, e.g. extension of coverage in a large number of low- and middle-income countries; (iii) presents...

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Social Protection and Human Rights