Childcare and Protection Act 29 (Antigua and Barbuda)
An act to provide for the establishment and functions of a Childcare and Protection Agency, the licensing of childcare facilities, the maintenance of appropriate standards in respect of their operations and for other matters relating to the safety, care and protection of...
Read MoreLabour Code
General Orders (Anguilla)
General Orders, Chapter 7: Paragraph 7.24 states that “Women officers will be eligible for the grant of thirteen weeks maternity leave with full salary of which not fewer than four (if officer is physically on the job) and not more than six weeks may be taken before the...
Read MoreCare-Related Policies and Laws in Latin America and the Caribbean
This database set up and maintained by the Gender Affairs Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) comprises the existing care legislation contained in the constitutional charters and other legislative instruments of the countries Latin America and the Caribbean. Public care policies are designed...
Read MoreDatabase: Non-Contributory Social Protection Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean
Link to database (English) Link to database...
Read MoreMultidimensional progress: well-being beyond income
The report focuses on the increasingly pressing challenges facing the region. In times of global economic fragility, eradicating poverty and reducing inequalities in all their dimensions require a twofold strategy: protecting the achievements of the last decade to prevent millions from falling back into poverty while promoting comprehensive policies...
Read MoreFinancial Support for Single Parents in Caring for their Children: Private child support and social assistance
Public assistance in the Caribbean generally does not include special provisions for sole parents. Instead, such families—if they are fortunate—receive support through the limited general public assistance schemes. The amount of benefits in Caribbean countries is likely to be lower than in developed countries in both absolute and relative...
Read MoreGender and Labour in Saint Lucia: Brief
St Lucia’s Quarterly Labour Force Surveys of 2012 suggest that the educational achievements of women aged 15 years and above are noticeably higher than those of men in the same age group. Thus 12 percent of women record having a diploma, certificate or degree with a further 31 per...
Read MoreGender And Labour In St Lucia: Evidence from household surveys research report
UN Women’s work in this area focuses on measures that enhance and secure the financial independence of women; promote their equal participation; and, provide socio-economic protections that would contribute to reduction in poverty and inequality, would enhance the quality of life of women and their families. This paper draws...
Read MoreGender Aware Beneficiary Analysis Of Saint Lucia’s Public Assistance Programme
Informed by the results of several investigative efforts, St Lucia is now at an advanced stage in developing and implementing an integrated social protection system. The Ministry of Social Transformation, Local Government and Community Empowerment has made major strides in establishing a social protection platform for St Lucia with...
Read MoreCase Study On The St. Lucia National Eligibility Test
Establishing gender and child responsive social protection schemes that ensure universal access to health care including maternity care, and basic income security, will protect women and their families from the effects of economic shocks and crises that may result in job and wage losses. UN Women and UNICEF through...
Read MoreConditional Cash Transfers: Learning from the literature
Eastern Caribbean countries are currently developing and implementing substantial social safety net reforms. Governments of six Eastern Caribbean countries conducted social safety net assessments in 2009 – 2010, with the support of UN Women and UNICEF in partnership with the World Bank. These reforms, which have been ongoing for...
Read MoreConditional Cash Transfer: A policy brief
Eastern Caribbean countries are currently developing and implementing substantial social safety net reforms. In 2009 – 2010, UNICEF and UN Women in partnership with the World Bank supported the governments of six countries in the OECS sub-region to conduct national social safety net assessments. A striking feature of the...
Read MoreConsiderations in Using Proxy Means Tests in Eastern Caribbean States: A Policy Brief
The social safety net assessments conducted in Eastern Caribbean states in and around 2009 recommended that countries should develop a proxy means test (PMT) to replace the diverse approaches they were using to target poverty-related benefits. Proxy mean tests were argued to be an objective and transparent alternative mechanism,...
Read MoreConsiderations in Using Proxy Means Tests in Eastern Caribbean States
The social safety net assessments conducted in Eastern Caribbean states in and around 2009 recommended that countries should develop a proxy means test (PMT) to replace the diverse approaches they were using to target poverty-related benefits. Proxy mean tests were argued to be an objective and transparent alternative mechanism,...
Read MoreSocial Protection and the Inter-American Development Bank
Families in Latin America and the Caribbean are often faced with unexpected events that can affect their income, productive capacity, assets, and quality of life. A family’s response to these events depends on its ability to minimize their impact and mitigate any potential consequences. Those with greater assets and...
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