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Is biometric technology in social protection programmes illegal or arbitrary? An analysis of privacy and data protection (ESS ─ Working Paper No. 59)

Resources - Author: Magdalena Sepúlveda / Year: 2018

Social protection programmes require processing significant data amounts, including often-sensitive information such as household assets, health status and physical or intellectual disabilities. Increasingly, social protection programmes use unique, intimate biometric-technology data such as fingerprints, iris structure and face topologies. Inextricably linked to the individual body, they are more sensitive...

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Innovative approaches for ensuring universal social protection for the future of work

Resources - Author: Christina Behrendt, Quynh Anh Nguyen / Year: 2018

Social protection systems around the world face challenges to provide full and effective coverage for workers in all forms of employment, including those in “new” forms of employment. While some emerging work and employment arrangements may provide greater flexibility for workers and employers, they may lead to significant gaps...

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Toward more inclusive measures of economic well-being: Debates and practices

Resources - Author: Günseli Berik / Year: 2018

This paper reviews debates and practice around the conventional and alternative measures of economic well-being. It presents alternative aggregate indicators, broadly referred to as “Beyond GDP”, that track non-market contributions to well-being, including household production and ecosystem services. Evaluating the major contending measures–Genuine Progress Indicator, Human Development Index, Happiness/lifeevaluation...

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The architecture of digital labour platforms: Policy recommendations on platform design for worker well-being

Resources - Author: Sangeet Paul Choudary / Year: 2018

Digital labour platforms connect workers with consumers of this work and provide the infrastructure and the governance conditions for the exchange of work and its compensation. Yet the architecture, or business model design, of digital labour platforms has important consequences for workers, affecting whether they are empowered or exploited...

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Universal Social Protection Country Cases

Resources - Year: 2018

Countries have used many options to finance universal social protection. Those options include: (i) re-allocating public expenditures (e.g., from financing public subsidies to financing specific programs); (ii) increasing tax revenues, including revenue generated from taxation of natural resources; (iii) using the reductions of debt or debt servicing; (iv) expanding...

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Growth and Inequality in Pakistan (Volume I)

Resources - Author: Hafiz Pasha / Year: 2018

The theme of the book is Growth and Inequality. These are the two fundamental problems with the economy of the Pakistan. The rate of economic growth has barely touched 5 percent over the last decade. Simultaneously, the economic and social structure have perpetuated high income, wealth and regional disparities....

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Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change

Resources - Author: Peter Dwyer / Year: 2018

This overview summarises the final findings of the Welfare Conditionality project (2013-2018). It presents analysis on the effectiveness, impacts and ethics of welfare conditionality, and the sanctions and mandatory support that underpin this approach. Discussion draws on analyses of qualitative data generated in interviews with 52 policy stakeholders, 27...

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Inequality in Asia and the Pacific in the era of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Alberto Isgut, Ermina Sokou, Mia Mikic, Patrik Andersson, Stefanos Fotiou, Sudip Ranjan Basu, Tiziana Bonapace / Year: 2018

Inequality in Asia and the Pacific is on the rise. Many countries, including those held up as models of dynamism and prosperity, have experienced a widening of existing gaps, accompanied by environmental degradation. Market-led growth alone is not sufficient to deliver a prosperous, sustainable future for all. This report...

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Egypt Social Project Indicators

Resources -

To offer a multidimensional view of socioeconomic well being, Egypt’s Social Progress Indicators (ESPI) measure six topics: health; education; labour; urbanization; food, water, and agricultural land; and economic policy as a determinant of social progress. By incorporating gender analysis across these six topics, ESPI also highlights the gender gaps...

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Innovative approaches for ensuring universal social protection for the future of work

Resources - Author: Christina Behrendt, Quynh Anh Nguyen / Year: 2018

Social protection systems around the world face challenges to provide full and effective coverage for workers in all forms of employment, including those in “new” forms of employment. While some emerging work and employment arrangements may provide greater flexibility for workers and employers, they may lead to significant gaps...

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EU Social Protection Systems Programme (EU-SPS)

Resources - Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

The EU Social Protection Systems Programme (EU-SPS) is a 4-year programme supporting ten developing partner country governments and national expert institutions in their efforts to develop inclusive and sustainable social protection systems in close co-ordination with other international partners. Link to...

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Eliminating and Preventing Forced Labour: Checkpoints app

Resources - Year: 2018

This mobile app allows business managers and auditors to create interactive checklists that will help them ensure a forced labour-free operation. There are 38 checkpoints in total – each one provides best-practice recommendations for taking action. A PDF version is also...

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The Aarhus Convention: an implementation guide

Resources - Author: Fiona Marshall, Helmut Gaugitsch, Jerzy Jendroska, Jonas Ebbesson, Stephen Stec / Year: 2014

The Aarhus Convention, which is open for global accession, offers powerful twin protections for the environment and human rights. It provides an effective model for ensuring public input in defining and implementing green economy programmes, in choosing the most appropriate road maps to sustainability and for increasing transparency and...

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Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation and Decision Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters

Legal depository - Year: 1998

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-Making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters  was adopted on 25 June 1998 in the Danish city of Aarhus (Århus) at the Fourth Ministerial Conference as part of the “Environment for Europe” process. It...

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Urbanization and Industrialization for Africa’s Transformation

Resources - Year: 2017

Despite the recent slowdown of the global economy and the weakening of Africa’s economic performance with the attendant implications for inclusion and sustainability, the long-term growth outlook for Africa remains promising. The region’s long-term fundamentals remain strong as the pace of growth stands to benefit from a demographic dividend...

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Beclouded Work in Historical Perspective

Resources - Author: Matthew Finkin / Year: 2016

The Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal is publishing a collection of papers on the “gig” economy and labor law, edited by Valerio De Stefano of the International Labor Organization. This paper places what is seen as an innovation in a larger historical context. It compares “gig” work to the putting-out...

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Uber, Taskrabbit, & Co: Platforms as Employers? Rethinking the Legal Analysis of Crowdwork

Resources - Author: Jeremias Prassl, Martin Risak / Year: 2016

One of the key assumptions underpinning the rise of ‘crowdsourced work’ – from transport apps including Uber to online platforms such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk – is the assertion put forward by most platforms that crowdworkers are self-employed, independent contractors. As a result, individuals might find themselves without recourse to worker-protective...

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Social Protection and Human Rights