eGov4women Online Toolkit – Unit 2: Incorporating a gender lens in e-service delivery
The eGov4women is a public resource on the design and implementation of gender-responsive e-government institutional ecosystems. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by UN Member States in 2015 affirms that “the spread of information and communication technology and global interconnectedness has great potential to accelerate human progress, to...
Read MoreA One-Stop Shop for Accessible, Transparent and Efficient Public Service Delivery
How Many Stops in a One-Stop Shop? A Review of Recent Developments in Business Registration
Many governments have introduced one-stop shops as part of their reform of the business registration process. But what is a one-stop shop? Is it like any other shop? Can it really involve just one stop? The International Finance Corporation has commissioned this study to provide some background and possibly...
Read MoreGood practices on Single Window Services: Research on existing Single Window Services around the world (India, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Pakistan) and key lessons to be learned for Cambodia
The aim of this research is to identify good and bad practices of Single Window Services around the world, by looking at the experiences of countries where these services are already in place. Link to Word...
Read MoreSingle Window Services in Social Protection: rationale and design features in developing country contexts
This discussion paper – based on a review of literature on SWS in both social protection and other sectors – will discuss the different design features particularly focusing on developing country and emerging economy contexts. In the first chapter, the evolution of SWS in general as well as in...
Read MoreOne stop shops/single window services
Single window services are increasingly being used as a way to improve access to social protection, particularly in rural and remote areas. Such services allow providing for access to several social protection programmes, as well as other services (social services, health services, employment services, services for entrepreneurs and small...
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