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UNAIDS is Having a Virtual Consultation until 10 February

UNAIDS is holding a virtual consultation on the future of the UNAIDS model from 30 January until 10 February 2017. Context The world has committed to ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. This target sits within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development agreed by the United Nations General Assembly in...

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ILO Releases Social Protection Volumes

The ILO’s Social Protection Department recently released three volumes of Social Protection Floors. The reports “present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making”. Volume 1, Universal Schemes, draws on experiences from countries including...

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IDS Short Course on Social Protection

The Institute for Development Studies (IDS) is holding a short course on social protection from 12-15 June, 2017. The four-day course is aimed at policy makers, practitioners, researchers and project managers who are already or will be working in of social protection. The course will provide participants with: a...

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It’s World AIDS Day

Today is World AIDS Day. This year’s theme is Hands up for #HIVPrevention. On 30 November, UNAIDS held a special event, Moving Forward Together: Leaving No One Behind, in New York to mark the occasion. The event honoured United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s legacy and commitment to leaving no...

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UNAIDS Just Launched a New Report

On 21 November, UNAIDS launched its latest report, Get on the Fast-Track: the life-cycle approach to HIV,  in Windhoek, Namibia. According to the report, the number of people accessing life-saving medicines increased significantly in 2016, thanks to the Fast-Track approach. Between January and June, an additional one million people...

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The United Nations is Holding a Forum on Youth and Human Rights

In 2015, the Human Rights Council established a Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law. The Forum’s purpose is to “provide a platform for promoting dialogue and cooperation on issues pertaining to the relationship between these areas” and to “identify and analyze best practices, challenges and opportunities...

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Law for Development: Strengthening Social Protection Systems in Africa

On 10 and 11 November, the ILO will participate in an expert meeting hosted by the African Law Association, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and Ruhr University Bochum. While most African governments have recognized international human rights legal instruments, such as the International Covenant...

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ECLAC & UNDP are Hosting a Social Development Event in Santo Domingo

On 31 October and 1 November, UNDP and ECLAC, along with the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), will host the  Eighth Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, in Santo Domingo, the Dominican republic. The Forum is a platform for ministers and other policy...

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ESCWA launched an Expert Group on Disability

On 20-21 September, ESCWA launched the its Inter-Sessional Expert Group on Disability. Policy makers from countries across the region, including Iraq, Lebanon, Mauritania and Yemen attended. Read more about the event and the Expert Group on ESCWA’s website.   Photo credit: “Ashtar is the best days of the week!,...

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FAO and are Hosting a Webinar

On Thursday, 6 October, at 6.00 (EST) FAO and are hosting a webinar, Gender-Sensitive Social Protection Design: What works in Asia? Panellists: Anna Minj, Director, BRAC Rebecca Holmes, Research Fellow, Social Protection Programme, the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Discussant: Deepta Chopra, Research Fellow, the Institute of Development Studies...

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Mexico is Hosting an International Meeting on Social Protection

From 28-30 September, the Government of Mexico will hold a seminar, La Contribucion de los Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas a la Construccion de un Sistema de Proteccion Social con un Enfoque de Decheros (Contribution of Conditional Cash Transfers to the Design of Social Protection Systems with a Focus on...

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One Conference, Two Events: Universal Social Protection

The ILO is hosting a Conference on Universal Social Protection in both Beijing and New York. The Beijing event took place from 6-8 September. Hosted by the ILO, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the conference covered topics including social protection for children and maternity protection, social...

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The 33rd Session of the Human Rights Council Starts on 13 September

The 33rd session of the Human Rights Council begins on 13 September. The Human Rights Council is made up of 47 member states elected by the UN General Assembly. The Council  responsible for making recommendations on and strengthening human rights . This session’s agenda includes promoting and protecting all...

Read More is Hosting a Webinar

 On 8 September, the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (IPC-IG) and HelpAge International will host a webinar, Fiscal Space for Social Protection:  Harmonization of Contributory and Non-Contributory Programmes. This event is the second in the Fiscal Space for Social Protection: Knowledge Sharing Initiative webinar series. Stephen Kidd, Senior Social Policy Specialist...

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It’s Asia-Pacific Social Protection Week

From 1-5 August, the Asian Development Bank will host Asia-Pacific Social Protection Week (APSP) in Manila, the Philippines. Experts will discuss the Sustainable Development Goals in relation to social protection, issues around social protection in the Global South and experiences from countries with more advanced social protection systems. Sessions...

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FAO is Having a Webinar on Social Protection and Fragile Contexts

On 2 August, from 15.00-16.30 (CEST/GMT +2), FAO will hold Shock-Responsive Social Protection for Resilience Building: Supporting Livelihoods in Protracted Crises, Fragile and Humanitarian Contexts, the fourth webinar in its Webinars on Resilience series. The webinar will provide an overview of FAO’s work in protracted crises, fragile and humanitarian...

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Access, Equity, Rights, Now – UNAIDS Co-Hosts Durban Conference

The 21st International AIDS Conference (IAC) starts on 18 July in Durban. The Conference, which runs until 22 July, will bring together over 18,000 researchers, policy makers and civil society members to share world class knowledge, expertise and strategies on efficiently using existing resources, identifying new resource streams and...

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ESCWA is Hosting an Event on Conditional Cash Transfers

On 19 and 20 July, ESCWA is hosting a Workshop on Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in the Arab Region. The workshop is an opportunity for experts to discuss the potential of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) in the Arab region. The event’s objectives are to: share a range of experiences...

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Platform Partners to Attend High Level Political Forum

The High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development starts today. The theme for 2016 is Ensuring that No One Gets Left Behind. The HLPF is the United Nation’s platform to review the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, and will provide leadership, guidance and recommendations...

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UN Women Issues Call for Papers for “Progress”

UN Women has issued a call for papers on how human mobility and the distancing of family members across places and borders shape gender and generational dynamics within families, for its flagship report, Progress of the World’s Women (Progress). The deadline for receiving proposals is 8 August, 5 p.m....

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UNRISD Seminar on the Graduation Approach to Social Protection

UNRISD is holding an event on the graduation approach to social protection as part of its Seminar Series on Monday, 27 June. The event, Building Livelihoods & Promoting Rights? The Graduation Approach to Social Protection, will bring together experts to discuss: whether or not graduation is compatible with a...

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Social Protection and Human Rights