UNAIDS is Hosting Its Annual Working Group on Social Protection, Care and Support

UNAIDS is Hosting Its Annual Working Group on Social Protection, Care and Support

On 3 and 4 March, UNAIDS will host its annual Social Protection, Care and Support Working Group meeting.

The first day will focus on presenting new evidence, evaluating the achievements of 2015 and identifying research gaps. The second day will focus on ways forward and planning on social protection, care and support. The meeting’s expected outcomes are two critically examine new evidence and create an action plan for 2016-17 in advancing rights-based approaches to social protection to combat HIV.

For assistance with technical matters, please contact chipantad@unaids.org. For administrative support, please contact musngia@unaids.org.

For more information about social protection in the global response to HIV, please read David Chipanta’s expert commentary Investment, Commitment and Innovation: Fast-Tracking Social Protection to End AIDS.


Photo credit: “Be the change, Inc.” by Life Foundation’s Red AIDS Ribbon Project (CCBY 2.0 via Flickr).

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Social Protection and Human Rights