The High-Level Panel on Migration Took Place in Geneva

The High-Level Panel on Migration Took Place in Geneva

On 28 and 29 May, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Union held a Meeting of the High Level Panel on Migration (HLPM) at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) headquarters in Geneva. The Panel is made up of 16 experts from governments, the private sector, academia and civil society, and is chaired by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

The Panel’s mandate is to provide African states and other relevant stakeholders with overall guidance and support on policy dialogues on international migration in Africa, taking into account the region’s specificities. To this end, HLPM met in January 2018 and will meet again in October. Members will also participate in the Intergovernmental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in Morocco in December.

The HLPM contributes to building sound migration policy in Africa by:

  • Supporting collaboration and cooperation among member States, regional economic communities, and international development partners to promote migrants’ rights and facilitate their movement, and reduce vulnerability of migrants, especially women;
  • Supporting the production of migration-related knowledge for the conception of evidence-based migration policies and interventions;
  • Supporting the engagement of the policy implication of the state of knowledge in determining the nature and patterns of inter, intra, and international migration streams in Africa;
  • Assessing skilled migration both for countries of origin and of destination and the long-term implications of remittance flows for development; and
  • Sensitizing policy makers to integrate migration into national plans and strategies.

Migrants face specific obstacles in being able enjoy their human right to  social protection. They may have limited or no access to social protection in their country of residence due to status or nationality, while also being unable to claim their entitlements to social security benefits in their country of origin due to their absence.

According to some estimates, today 245 million people live outside their country of origin. The majority of migration by Africans takes place within Africa itself. As a result, policy related to social security will need to be comprehensive, coherent and coordinated, to ensure that people are able to enjoy their rights regardless of where they are.

Read the event concept note and agenda, and watch the opening session on YouTube. Find out more about the HLPM on the ECA website.



Photo by Mark Kucharski on Unsplash

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