The State of Social Enterprises in Sri Lanka

Organization(s): British Council, ESCAP
Regions: South Asia
Country: Sri Lanka
Year: 2018
Language: English
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This report presents the findings of a recent study on social enterprises in Sri Lanka. The study used a combination of desk research, interviews with expert stakeholders and a survey of social enterprises, which engaged representatives from a diverse range of industries and sectors across the country. For the purposes of this research, social enterprises were defined by two key criteria: a mission to generate social and community benefit, and the adoption of trading activities to fulfil that mission.

The survey reveals that social enterprises in Sri Lanka operate across the manufacturing, agriculture, cultural, creative and environmental protection sectors, and that many work across multiple industries.

This research clearly indicates the exciting breadth, depth and potential of social enterprise in Sri Lanka. At the same time, the survey findings also reveal that the current resources provided to social enterprises by the government and other organisations do not adequately support the needs, aspirations and growth of the sector in Sri Lanka. Even so, it is still a rich, diverse and distinct vibrant sector that benefits both the social and economic life of the country and its people.

Social Protection and Human Rights