Qualitative research and analyses of the economic impacts of cash transfer programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa
Support for (CT) programmes has been growing in sub-Saharan Africa over the last ten years. Since late 2004, the African Union has provided encouragement to countries to develop their own social policy frameworks, with a Plan of Action supported by governments that commits member states to expanding and empowering social protection programmes. Individual governments are also taking the initiative in their own countries.
The synthesized findings and analysis from the qualitative research in the six country studies are organized according to the four research themes: household economy, local economy, social networks, and operational issues. A key overarching finding across the research themes is that a wide range of contextual factors have effects on the types and scale of CT impacts. These mediate the CT impacts in different ways in different countries, which are discussed in full in this report.
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States parties to major human rights instruments related to economic, social and cultural rights such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) have an immediate minimum core obligation to ensure the satisfaction of, at the very least, minimum essential levels of all economic, social and cultural rights such as the right […]