Labour inspections and other compliance mechanisms in the domestic work sector: Introductory guide
This guide focuses on the challenges that countries face in implementing labour legislation covering domestic work. It is targeted in particular to government agencies, including labour inspectorates and other institutions that enforce labour regulations, as well as social partners and, more generally, domestic workers and their employers. The guide provides a practical overview of the ILO normative framework regarding domestic workers’ labour rights as well as of existing labour inspection systems and methods dealing with domestic workers. It complements these underlining current challenges impeding the effective application of relevant national labour legislation; and provides enabling measures for compliance all with a view to highlighting existing gaps and weaknesses, as well as good practices.
Related Principles
Non-discrimination and equality are core elements of the international human rights normative framework. Article 2 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that every human being is entitled to all rights and freedoms “without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, […]