Social security provisions in the Constitution of Slovenia

Country: Slovenia
Year: 2013

Relevant articles:

  • Article 50 – Right to Social Security

Citizens have the right to social security, including the right to a pension, under conditions provided by law.

The state shall regulate compulsory health, pension, disability and other social insurance, and shall ensure its proper functioning.

Special protection in accordance with the law shall be guaranteed to war veterans and victims of war.

  • Article 51 – Right to Health Care

Everyone has the right to health care under conditions provided by law.

The rights to health care from public funds shall be provided by law.

No one may be compelled to undergo medical treatment except in cases provided by law.

  • Article 52 – Rights of Disabled Persons

Disabled persons shall be guaranteed protection and work-training in accordance with the law.

Physically or mentally handicapped children and other severely disabled persons have the right to education and training for an active life in society.

The education and training referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be financed from public funds.

  • Article 53 – Marriage and the Family

The state shall protect the family, motherhood, fatherhood, children and young people and shall create the necessary conditions for such protection.

  • Article 56 – Rights of Children

Children shall enjoy special protection and care. Children shall enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms consistent with their age and maturity.

Link to compendium “The right to Social Security in European Constitutions: Compendium of provisions of European Constitutions related to the right to social security”

Link to Slovenian constitution (English and Slovenian)

Link to national study

Social Protection and Human Rights