Social security provisions in the Constitution of Serbia

Country: Serbia
Year: 2006

Relevant articles:

  • Article 66 – Special protection of the family, mother, single parent and child

Families, mothers, single parents and any child in the Republic of Serbia shall enjoy special protection in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the law.

Mothers shall be given special support and protection before and after childbirth.
Special protection shall be provided for children without parental care and mentally or physically handicapped children.

  • Article 68 – Health care

Everyone shall have the right to protection of their mental and physical health.
Health care for children, pregnant women, mothers on maternity leave, single parents with children under seven years of age and elderly persons shall be provided from public revenues unless it is provided in some other manner in accordance with the law.

Health insurance, health care and establishing of health care funds shall be regulated by the law.

The Republic of Serbia shall assist development of health and physical culture.

  •  Article 69 – Social protection

Citizens and families that require welfare for the purpose of overcoming social and existential difficulties and creating conditions to provide subsistence, shall have the right to social protection the provision of which is based on social justice, humanity and respect of human dignity.

Rights of the employees and their families to social protection and insurance shall be regulated by the law.

The employees shall have the right to salary compensation in case of temporary inability to work, as well as the right to temporary unemployment benefit in accordance with the law.

Disabled people, war veterans and victims of war shall be provided special protection in accordance with the law.

Social insurance funds shall be established in accordance with the law.

  •  Article 70 – Pension insurance

Pension insurance shall be regulated by the law.

The Republic of Serbia shall see to economic security of the pensioners.

Link to compendium “The right to Social Security in European Constitutions: Compendium of provisions of European Constitutions related to the right to social security”

Link to the Serbian constitution (English)


Social Protection and Human Rights