Good Practices for Effective Participation in Social Protection Design and Implementation
Expert commentaries - Date: 27 March 2014 / Author: Robert Chambers
The tendency for programmes intended for those who are poor and marginalized to be distorted and captured by local elites is widely recognized. Men appropriate what is intended for women; local power holders distribute benefits to their relatives, caste, class, ethnic, factional, religious or even age groups. Notoriously in...
Read MoreAdopting Comprehensive, Coherent and Coordinated Policies in Social Protection: A View from the Americas
Expert commentaries - Date: 27 March 2014 / Author: Alexandra Barrantes
In the context of the principles of social protection, through the Social Charter of the Americas,1 the countries of the region acknowledge they have “a responsibility to develop and implement comprehensive social protection policies and programs, based on the principles of universality, solidarity, equality, nondiscrimination, and equity that give...
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