Universal Social Protection Country Cases
Countries have used many options to finance universal social protection. Those options include: (i) re-allocating public expenditures (e.g., from financing public subsidies to financing specific programs); (ii) increasing tax revenues, including revenue generated from taxation of natural resources; (iii) using the reductions of debt or debt servicing; (iv) expanding...
Read MoreTransformation towards sustainable and resilient societies in Asia and the Pacific
This report takes stock of the changing nature of increasingly complex risks in Asia and the Pacific, and the stresses and shocks that are affecting a diverse region’s prospects for achieving the SDGs. It highlights the effects of selected natural hazards, commodity shocks and pollution shocks on the region’s...
Read MorePublication – Compendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 3 – Governance and financing
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 3 describes mechanisms to build social protection floors, such as a national dialogue in Myanmar, reaching rural dwellers...
Read MoreCompendium Social Protection Floors: Volume 1 – Universal schemes
The volumes on Social Protection Floors present best practices and experiences from countries that are useful for South-South learning, for practitioners and to provide the basis for more informed policy-making. Volume 1 showcases universal old-age and disability pensions as well as universal maternity and child protection schemes in developing...
Read MoreA One-Stop Shop for Accessible, Transparent and Efficient Public Service Delivery
Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on her Mission to Mongolia (A /HRC/23/3 6/Add.2)
The Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights conducted an official visit to Mongolia from 3 to 7 December 2012, during which she collected first-hand information on the situation of people living in extreme poverty and on the impact of key policies relating to poverty alleviation and development...
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