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Arab Horizon 2030: Prospects for Enhancing Food Security in the Arab Region

Resources - Author: David Sedik, Mohamed Ahmed, Mohamed al-Hamdi, Panos Konandreas, Reem Nejdawi, Susan Razzaz / Year: 2017

Food security is universally recognized as paramount to human well-being. But what exactly does it mean, and what is required to achieve food security? A comprehensive definition put forward by the World Food Summit in 1996 holds that “food security [is] a situation that exists when all people, at...

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Provision of Basic Healthcare Services by Non-State Actors in Arab Countries: Benefits and Risks

Resources - Author: Allison Minor, Katherine Brooks / Year: 2013

Basic social services such as education, water and sanitation, healthcare and housing are intended to meet essential human needs. States are given the task of guaranteeing equal access to these services, either through direct provision or through the regulation of services provided by other institutions, such as businesses or...

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Social Protection and Human Rights