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Social Protection, Migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Resources - Author: Elisa Mosler Vidal, Georgina Sturge, Jessica Hagen-Zanker / Year: 2017

This briefing considers the extent to which international labour migrants are covered by social protection, and the implications this has for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda). More specifically, this brief shows that social protection coverage of international labour migrants varies considerably, and outlines how this has...

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Health for All, All for Health: lessons from the universalization of health care in emerging economies 

Resources - Author: Ilcheong Yi, Kelly Stetter / Year: 2017

Achieving universal health coverage is integral to the central pledge of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to “leave no one behind”. Meeting this target is about more than just having enough resources to incrementally expand health coverage to the entire population. This Brief provides policy makers with evidence-based...

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Migrant access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements: A review of 120 countries and nine bilateral arrangements (ESS Working Paper No. 57)

Resources - Author: Clara van Panhuys, Geneviève Binette, Samia Kazi-Aoul / Year: 2017

This working paper: (i) examines migrants access to social protection under Bilateral Labour Agreements (BLAs) with a view to providing policy makers with guidelines for extending social protection to migrants and designing better migration policies; (ii) presents the results of a mapping of bilateral and multilateral social security agreements...

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Fiscal Space for Social Protection and the SDGs: Options to Expand Social Investments in 187 Countries (ESS Working Paper No. 48)

Resources - Author: Isabel Ortiz, Kalaivani Karunanethy, Matthew Cummins / Year: 2017

It is often argued that social protection is not affordable or that government expenditure cuts are inevitable during adjustment periods. But there are alternatives, even in the poorest countries. This working paper offers eight options that should be explored to expand fiscal space and generate resources to achieve the...

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Reclaiming Policies for the Public: Privatization, partnerships, corporate capture and their impact on sustainability and inequality — assessments and alternatives

Resources - Year: 2017

In the 2030 Agenda governments committed to a revitalized Global Partnership between States and declared that public finance has to play a vital role in achieving the SDGs. But in recent decades, the combination of neoliberal ideology, corporate lobbying, business-friendly fiscal policies, tax avoidance and tax evasion has led...

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FAO Social Protection Framework

Resources - Year: 2017

FAO Social Protection Framework presents the Organization’s vision and approach to social protection. FAO recognizes the critical role social protection plays in furthering and accelerating progress around food security and nutrition, agriculture development, rural poverty and resilience building. Link to French version Link to Spanish...

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Extending Social Security by Anchoring Rights in Law

Resources - Year: 2016

The South African social protection system is one of the most comprehensive within the region. Its statutory and effective coverage rates are above the region’s average and comparable or even beyond those of other BRICS countries. The comprehensive nature of the system lies in contributory and non-contributory cash and...

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Extending Social Protection by Anchoring Rights in Law

Resources - Year: 2016

The adoption of the 1988 constitution marked a landmark in the history of the Brazilian social security system by introducing a universal social security model grounded in citizenship rights. The Constitution sets out the State’s responsibility in organizing and legislating social security. This should be done according to principles...

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Basic Income as a Policy Option: can it add up?

Resources - Year: 2017

Recent debates of basic income (BI) proposals shine a useful spotlight on the challenges that traditional forms of income support are facing, and highlight gaps in social provisions that largely depend on income or employment status. A universal “no questions asked” public transfer would be simple and have the...

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Investing in the Care Economy: Simulating employment effects by gender in countries in emerging economies

Resources - Author: Diane Perrons, Jerome De Henau, Susan Himmelweit / Year: 2017

Increasing public investment in emerging economies would boost employment and contribute to economic growth and, depending on the form and location of the investment, contribute to enhancing human development and realizing some of the Sustainable Development Goals. This report makes a case for public investment in social as well...

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Investing in the Care Economy:  A gender analysis of employment stimulus in seven OECD countries

Resources - Author: Diane Perrons, Jerome De Henau, Susan Himmelweit, Zofia Łapniewska / Year: 2016

Increasing public investment would stimulate employment and economic growth and provide a more effective means of moving out of recession than current austerity policies. This report makes such a case for public investment that is in social as well as physical infrastructure. By social infrastructure we mean education, care...

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Social Protection for Informal Workers in Asia

Resources - Year: 2016

Asia’s growing labor force needs innovative solutions to reduce risks and ensure social protection of workers in vulnerable employment with informal arrangements. This book examines the need to expand social protection coverage of the informal sector to support working age productivity, reduce vulnerability, and improve economic opportunity. Case studies...

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Exclusion by Design: an assessment of the effectiveness of the proxy means test poverty targeting mechanism (ESS Working Paper No. 56)

Resources - Author: Bjorn Gelders, Diloá Bailey-Athias, Stephen Kidd / Year: 2017

This paper assesses the effectiveness of the proxy means test (PMT) targeting methodology. It brings together international evidence to show that it is both inaccurate and arbitrary. The mechanism suffers from high in-built design errors, additional errors introduced during implementation, and infrequent surveys, meaning that it cannot respond to...

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Human Development Report 2016 — Human Development for Everyone

Resources - Year: 2016

The 2016 Human Development Report focuses on how human development can be ensured for everyone — now and in the future. It starts with an account of the achievements, challenges and hopes for human progress, envisioning where humanity wants to go. Its vision draws from and builds on the...

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Social Protection: towards gender equality

Resources - Year: 2017

Social protection has become prominent in the global development agenda over recent decades, with social protection systems now being included as a target under Sustainable Development Goal 1: “End poverty in all its forms everywhere”. In developing countries, these policies have played an important role in alleviating extreme poverty,...

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Social Protection and Human Rights