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ECLAC is Holding a Two-Day Workshop

ECLAC and GIZ will hold a two-day technical workshop on 20 and 21 June. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that Latin American and Caribbean countries need stronger legal and regulatory frameworks to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and sustainability of rights-based social protection systems. The event,...

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IDS Short Course on Social Protection

The Institute of Development Studies’ Centre for Social Protection (CSP) is holding a short course from 27 – 30 June. The course, entitled Social Protection: policies, programmes and evidence is designed to provide development researchers, policy makers and practitioners with a broad knowledge of approaches to social protection and...

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32nd Session of the Human Rights Council Begins on 13 June

The 32nd Session of the Human Rights Council starts on 13 June in Geneva, Switzerland. The Human Rights Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe and for addressing situations of human rights violations...

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105th Session of the International Labour Conference

The 105th Session of the International Labour Conference takes place from 30 May to 10 June 2016. The Conference, held annually in Geneva, is often called an international parliament of labour. Each of the 187 member States of the ILO is represented by a delegation consisting of two government...

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Fast-Tracking Social Protection to End AIDS: A Panel Discussion

On 25 May, UNAIDS, UNRISD and the ILO will host Fast-Tracking Social Protection to End AIDS: A Panel Discussion from 15.30-17.00 in the Palais des Nations, Geneva. UNAIDS has developed Fast-Track targets, which if met by 2020, will set the world on course to ending the AIDS epidemic by...

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ILO Releases World Employment Social Outlook 2016

On date, ILO released World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2016. The report includes a forecast of global unemployment levels in both the Global Noth and the Global South. Visit ILO’s report page to learn more about global employment trends. Download the report.     Photo credit: “Being...

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Florence Expert Round Table on Ending Violence in Childhood

UNICEF Innocenti and the Know Violence in Childhood Initiative are holding an expert round table in Florence, Italy on how social protection can mitigate the risk of violence against children on 12 and 13 May. Twenty-five experts from around the world will discuss the link between social protection and...

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UNRISD is Holding a Seminar on Universal Basic Income

On 13 May, UNRISD will host Informality and Income Security: Is a Basic Income the Universal Answer? as part of its Seminar Series. On 5 June, Switzerland will hold the world’s first referendum on a universal basic income (UBI). Is a UBI a way for governments to fulfil their...

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UNICEF Twitter chat today at 2PM!

Don’t forget that today at 2PM (GMT+1), UNICEF is hosting a chat where you can ask the experts your burning questions about social protection for children! Follow along at #SocProChat. Download the event flyer.   Photo credit:  Bulgaria CO 2013 (via...

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ESCAP to Host Third Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development

From 3-5 April, ESCAP is hosting the 2016 Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development in Bangkok, Thailand. The forum will tackle several social issues which are mentioned in the 2030 Agenda, paying special attention to limited access to social protection, economic and gender inequality, and demographic trends including population ageing...

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UN Women Releases Discussion Papers Around CSW60

With the 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) in full swing, UN Women has released several discussion papers on the issues being addressed. Towards Gender Equality through Sanitation Access discusses the need for adequate design, planning and financing for adequate sanitation, a crucial issue protecting women’s human...

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Webinar on ECLAC’s Approaches to Universal Social Protection

On 10 March, Simone Cecchini, Social Affairs Officer at ECLAC and Sergei Soares, Senior Researcher at Institute for Applied Economic Research (Brazil), will participate in Towards Universal Social Protection: Latin American pathways and policy tools, a webinar. The webinar will examine the recently published ECLAC book by the...

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UNRISD and WSSCC to Host Official Side Event on WASH, Women and Welfare

On 7 March, UNRISD and the Water Supply & Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) will host WASH, Women and Welfare: Social Protection from Gender Perspective from 14:00-16:00 in Room XXII at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. This event will bring together experts from international organizations, civil society and governments...

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ESCWA Launches New Website

Platform partner ESCWA has just launched its newly designed, user-friendly website. It has been completely revamped and updated and can be easily viewed on mobile devices. Check out the Social Development Division’s page for information and news on ESCWA’s social protection work . Photo credit: “Weekend work” (CCBY 2.0...

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UNRISD Director Paul Ladd at the World Youth Forum

On 1 and 2 February, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Youth Forum took place in New York. United Nations Secretary-General Ban-ki Moon opened the session by welcoming the __ youth from around the world who attended. This year’s theme, Youth Taking Action to Implement the 2030 Agenda, UNRISD...

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Social Protection and Human Rights