UN Women Releases Discussion Papers Around CSW60

UN Women Releases Discussion Papers Around CSW60

With the 60th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) in full swing, UN Women has released several discussion papers on the issues being addressed.

Towards Gender Equality through Sanitation Access discusses the need for adequate design, planning and financing for adequate sanitation, a crucial issue protecting women’s human rights and empowerment.

Delivering Development Justice? Financing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, looks at the financing strategies which governments have agreed to support implementation of the SDGs that may undermine women and girls’ rights and prevent achievement of a gender-equitable model.

Financing for gender equality in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals identifies macro-level tools that can help generate the resources to promote the SDGs related to gender parity. The paper finds that financing for gender equality can be self-sustaining because of the feedback effects from gender equality to economy-wide well-being.

UN Women also recently released two discussion papers:


The UN Women’s discussion paper series is available here.

Photo credit: “In India, UN Women Executive Director hears from rural tech gurus” by UN Women (CCBY 2.0 via Flickr).


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