The ILO is Co-Hosting a High-Level Conference on Social Protection in Geneva

On Tuesday, 5 February 2019, the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) are hosting a high-level conference, Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030 at the ILO in Geneva, Switzerland.
The EU Social Protection Systems Initiative and the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors are also co-hosts of the event.
According to the OECD event page,
Universal social protection (USP) is essential to the economic and social development of individuals, communities and nations. It is also a human right. We call on all countries to live up to their commitment to develop nationally owned social protection systems for all, including floors, as articulated in the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015.
The conference will be an opportunity to:
- showcase USP stories from champions and pioneers in developing countries
- encourage countries in the Global South to adopt the USP Call to Action
- hear what countries need from development partners to join the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection (USP2030) to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Governments, multilateral actors and all relevant national, regional and international organisations are invited to exchange on good practices and lessons learnt in delivering social protection to all, and to identify innovative approaches.
Find out more about the conference on the event page.
All sessions will be live-streamed on