New Policy Brief on Social Protection for Youth by UN Women

New Policy Brief on Social Protection for Youth by UN Women

Several countries, including the United States and the United Kingdom, recognize March as Women’s History Month. Both International Women’s Day and the Commission on the Status of Women, a 12-day forum dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women, take place during the month of March.

UN Women plays an important role in helping policy makers and practitioners ensue that social protection systems are gender-sensitive and transformative in their design in implementation. This year during Women’s History Month, the organization released a new policy paper, Gender and age-responsive social protection: The potential of cash transfers to advance adolescent rights and capabilities. This brief “reviews the effects of CTs on the rights and capabilities of adolescent girls and boys (10–19 years), using a gender and capability lens and focusing on three key capability domains: education, sexual and reproductive health, and freedom from violence”.

Download the brief here. Other policy papers in the series include:
Making national social protection floors work for women,
Gender equality, child development and job creation: How to reap the ‘triple dividend’ from early childhood education and care services,
Protecting women’s income security in old age: Toward gender-responsive pension systems, and
Making social protection gender-responsive: Lessons from UN Women’s work in the Eastern Caribbean.

They are available on the platform along with other social protection resources by UN Women.

Photo credit: Element5 Digital on Unsplash

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Social Protection and Human Rights