Social security provisions in the Constitution of Estonia

Country: Estonia
Year: 2011

Relevant articles:

  • Article 27

The family, which is fundamental to the preservation and growth of the nation and which constitutes the foundation of society, enjoys the protection of the government.

  • Article 28

Everyone is entitled to protection of his or her health.

Every citizen of Estonia is entitled to government assistance in the case of old age, incapacity for work, loss of provider, or need. The categories and extent of the assistance, and the conditions and procedure for its allocation are provided by law. Unless otherwise provided by law, citizens of foreign states and stateless persons in Estonia enjoy this right equally with citizens of Estonia.

The national government facilitates voluntary provision of welfare services and provision of welfare services by local authorities.

Families with a large number of children as well as people with disabilities enjoy special care of the national government and of local authorities.

Link to compendium “The right to Social Security in European Constitutions: Compendium of provisions of European Constitutions related to the right to social security”

Link to Estonian constitution (English and Estonian)

Link to national study

Social Protection and Human Rights