Social security provisions in the Constitution of Albania
Relevant articles:
- Article 49
2. Employees have the right to social protection of labor.
- Article 52
1. Everyone has the right to social security in old age or when he is unable to work, according to a system set by law.
2. Everyone, who is without work involuntarily, and has no other means of support, has the right to assistance under the conditions provided by law.
- Article 53
1. Everyone has the right to marry and have a family.
2. Marriage and family enjoy special protection of the state.
- Article 54
1. Children, the young, pregnant women and new mothers have the right to special protection by the state.
- Article 55
1. Citizens enjoy in an equal manner the right to health care from the state.
2. Everyone has the right to health insurance in accordance with the procedure provided by law.
Chapter V – Social Objectives
- Article 59
1. The state, within its constitutional powers and the means at its disposal, and to supplement private initiative and responsibility aims at:
1. e) Care and help for the aged, orphans and persons with disabilities;
2. Fulfilment of social objectives cannot be claimed directly in court. The law defines under what conditions and to what extent the realization of these objectives can be claimed.