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The Impact of Cash Transfers on Women and Girls

Resources - Author: Calvin Laing, Francesca Bastagli, Georgina Sturge, Jessica Hagen-Zanker, Luca Pellerano, Luke Harman, Tanja Schmidt, Valentina Barca / Year: 2017

This briefing summarizes the findings on the impacts of cash transfers on women and girls. These are drawn from a rigorous review of the evidence looking at the impacts of cash transfers across six outcome areas. The review covered literature spanning 15 years (2000–2015). It is distinct from other...

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The Future of Food and Agriculture: trends and challenges

Resources - Year: 2017

The report sheds some light on the nature of the challenges that agriculture and food systems are facing now and throughout the 21st century, and provides some insights as to what is at stake and what needs to be done. What emerges is that “business as usual” is no...

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El Financiamiento del Desarrollo en Bolivia: Cambios y Continuidades en la Relación Estado-Cooperación Internacional (2006–2013)

Resources - Author: Verónica Paz Arauco / Year: 2016

Este document analiza  los  cambios  en  la  relación  entre  el  estado  y  la  cooperación internacional  en  Bolivia  a  partir  de  2006.  La  hipótesis  de  inicio  sostiene  que Bolivia logró  una autonomía  económica  tal  con  la  bonanza  económica  registrada  desde  2006 que modificó  el marco de las  relaciones entre  el ...

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The Political Economy of Mineral Resource Governance and Children’s Rights in Papua New Guinea

Resources - Author: Catherine MacDonald / Year: 2016

Papua  New  Guinea  has  had  a diverse history  of  contestation  over  resource  revenues during  its past forty  years  since  independence. The  major  actors  have  been  the national and provincial level governments and politicians, international development agencies,  resources  companies  and  local  landowners  in  project  development areas. This paper explores the...

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Movilización de Recursos Domésticos, Desarrollo Social y Cambio Institucional: Descentralización y Autonomías Municipales en Bolivia

Resources - Author: Wilson Jiménez / Year: 2017

El presente documento analiza la movilización de recursos domésticos para el desarrollo social  desde  la  perspectiva  de  los  gobiernos  municipales  en  Bolivia.  Luego  de  dos décadas  de  descentralización  y seis años  de  autonomías,  las  brechas  sociales  entre municipios  siguen  siendo  profundas  y  se  explican,  en  parte,  por  la  debilidad ...

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HIV Care and Support

Resources - Year: 2016

The purpose of this document is to: Describe what HIV care and support is. Describe the purpose of care and support in the context of the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) Consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. Illustrate how care and...

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Extending Social Security to the Informal Economy – Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Moldova

Resources - Author: Kenichi Hirose, Miloslav Hetteš / Year: 2016

Every member of society has the right to social security. Ensuring adequate social security for all is one of the key goals of the ILO’s Decent Work agenda. Most European countries have already established comprehensive social security systems. The existing systems typically operate in the forms of contributory social...

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Rationalizing Social Protection Expenditure in Ghana

Resources - Author: Arthur van de Meerendonk, Christina Behrendt, Veronika Wodsak Kauffmann / Year: 2015

This report has been prepared in the context of the Ghana Social Opportunities Project that seeks to support Ghana to rationalize its social protection expenditure. The Report analyses expenditure in terms of its sustainability, robustness, efficiency and effectiveness in preventing or reducing poverty, social exclusion and ill health. It...

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Formalizing Domestic Work

Resources - Year: 2016

Many countries around the world are at the onset of a care crisis: with the ageing of the population, and continually increasing rates of female labour participation, families are increasingly turning to domestic workers to care for their homes, children, and ageing parents. While an increasing share of domestic...

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Long-term Care of Older Persons in China

Resources - Author: Du Peng / Year: 2015

The rapid increase of the number of older persons, particularly the oldest-old – those above 80 years – increases the need for long-term care for older persons in the Asia-Pacific region. This working paper series examines the prevailing system of provision and financing of long-term care for older persons...

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Income Security for Older Persons in the Republic of Korea

Resources - Author: Sukmyung Yun / Year: 2015

This project working paper discusses the prevailing system of income security for older persons in the Republic of Korea with regards to coverage, beneficiaries, and sustainability. It also discusses recently undertaken reforms of the income security system with regards to their budgetary implications. After the introduction of a mandatory...

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Long-term Care of Older Persons in Japan

Resources - Author: Reiko Hayashi / Year: 2016

The rapid increase of the number of older persons, particularly the oldest-old – those above 80 years – increases the need for long-term care of older persons in the Asia-Pacific region. This working paper series examines the prevailing system of provision and financing of long-term care for older persons...

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Long-term Care of Older Persons in Singapore

Resources - Author: Kim Choo Peh / Year: 2016

The rapid increase of the number of older persons, particularly the oldest-old – those above 80 years – increases the need for long-term care of older persons in the Asia-Pacific region. This working paper series examines the prevailing system of provision and financing of long-term care for older persons...

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Social Protection and Human Rights